Installation not working on RHEL 8.6
Added by Thomas Krieger over 2 years ago
Hi there,
I just tried to install OpenProject on a clean RHEL 8.6 VM (4 Cores, 8GB RAM, 50GB HDD). I followed the installation step-by-step and besides some error messages about something deprecated the installation was ended successfully - so it's reporting at least. When I start http://localhost I would expect to see the new installed OpenProject on my system, but I only get an almost empty website (screenshot attached).
I tried both ways, result was sadly the same. Also with the command "openproject restart" I can see the services are coming up, vbut there seem to be a problem with some deprecated stuff in ruby and also problems with angular.
The log of /var/log/openproject is empty, so not much to tell here ... within /var/log/messages I can see warnings about SELinux complaining about "chcon" which is used during the installation process. I'll try to get this fixed an will report later on.
/€: I did the work for SELinux, so this error message about "chcon" is gone. After "openproject restart" the result afterwards is the same, also after doing a "openproject reconfigure".
For postgresql installation script in RHEL 8 (took some time to look for it):
I found out there might be a better way to install postgesql: "yum module install postgres:13/server" - this way there is no need for a 3rd party repo - you can use the standard Redhat repo. (The reason for this change was the test of an alternate installation way via RHEL Satellite - so no internet connection)
Replies (2)
Uhm .. since it was not possible to add the attachment afterwards, here it comes ...
Found the problem:
Switching off git and svn solved the problem.
After trying the installation several times, alsways with the same outcome, I tried the installation with skipping svn and git during the configuration process - everything is fine this way.
I guess, I will not be able to use git and/or svn - but that's okay for now. Anyways, I guess there should be a way to get this worked.