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VPS installation error
Added by J D over 2 years ago
Hello all,
Hope I can find an answer here on my installation issue.
I am using a VPS on Kamatera, and tried installing OpenProject on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS following these instructions:
Unfortunately, I run into the same error after a few attempt and don't know what to do.
I was able to get in to the configuration page eventually by entering 'sudo openproject reconfigure' instead of 'sudo openproject configure'... but after a few steps I run into the same error again.
any advice on how to fix this?
p.s. I have limited skills but I can often follow quite a bit. Thank you.
Replies (1)
the release of 12.2.2 will fix that issue, if you could wait, i think it will be released shortly
Otherwise you could try to use this workaround:
sudo openproject config:set APP_WIZARDS="legacy-installer,openproject-edition,postgres,apache2,repositories,memcached,openproject"
sudo openproject configure
Thank you for your patience
Kind regards, Adam