Added by Semyon Sobolev over 11 years ago
Probably my question is silly, but I need some help to understand what could be wrong in my configuration.
I’m using Ubuntu 12.04, 64 bit.
Here is my database.yml
production: adapter: mysql database: openproj host: localhost username: openproj password: openproj encoding: utf8 development: adapter: mysql database: opendev host: localhost username: openproj password: openproj encoding: utf8 # Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and # re-generated from your development database when you run "rake". # Do not set this db to the same as development or production. test: adapter: mysql database: opentest host: localhost username: openproj password: openproj encoding: utf8
When I run rake db:create:all
I get an error.
What should I investigate or configure to resolve this problem?
Thank you!
Replies (4)
I’ve changed username in database.yml to root and the problem is solved.
But I don’t want to use root sql user for OpenProject, how can I fix this?
Hi Semyon,
do you use OpenProject 2.4 (stable) or the OpenProject beta (3.0) ? The installations instructions differ depending on which version you use.
Maybe you can get some insight from the installation instructions for OpenProject 3.0 for Ubuntu 12.04, especially step 8 “Configure your DBMS”.
Also, google told me that the following link might be interesting for you:
Thank tou, Philipp.
It was my mistake - wrong permissions for SQL user. But the error confused me.
Philipp Tessenow wrote: