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how-to setup the external address of my openproject instance?
Added by Emmanuel Jaep over 2 years ago
I did install openproject successfully on Kubernetes using the method described here:
The procedure works globally fine. However, the application generates links that point to localhost. For instance, the link to the scrum project on the default page points to: http://localhost:3000/projects/your-scrum-project
Is there a way to configure openproject so links generated on the pages point to a custom domain?
Thanks in advance for your help
Replies (4)
Hello, you could always reverse proxy the OpenProject on another host or the host running openproject
Thank you very much for the reply.
I'm not quite sure that we are talking about the same thing.
I am referring to the way openproject builds up the links in the pages:
As per your recommendation, I tried to set the rails_relative_url_root to "/" on both the web and the proxy container. It didn't change anything.
According to the list of environment variables (, there are no other variable I can change.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Sorry... this is my bad... This setting can be found on the settings page of openproject:
Sorry for wasting your time.
As you documented the solution this is no waste of time, thank you very much for finding the solution and the screenshots