Notifications Email not Working
Added by YOGENDRA MOHAN almost 3 years ago
Hi ,
Account setup and password reset emails are getting sent but notification emails are not being sent. Im getting the below error in Healt check
full database: PASSED Schema version: 20220106145037 (0.003s) default: PASSED Application is running (0.000s) delayed_jobs_backed_up: PASSED Delayed Jobs with priority lower than '0' at reasonable level (0) (0.006s) (OPTIONAL) delayed_jobs_never_ran: PASSED All previous jobs have completed within the past 5 minutes. (0.001s) mail: FAILED ActionMailer::Base at localhost:25 is not accepting connections: 'localhost is not accepting connections on port 25: Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost" port 25' (0.001s) puma: PASSED Backlog ok (0.000s) (OPTIONAL)