Added by Jochen Seidler about 4 years ago
I've been trying to script an openproject docker installation and the documentation has been helpful until I came to the ldap integration.
Looking through the list of "Supported Environment Variables" there was no mention of ldap, but looking at the LDAP authentication part of the documentation there is the mention of "OPENPROJECT_LDAP__TLS__OPTIONS_CA__FILE".
I am now wondering if there are more undocumented environment variables which I could use to completely configure openproject without touching the gui, for example the ldap address, searchbase, and other settings.
Any help would be appreciated.
Replies (2)
Apart from the CA file env variable here's also `OPENPROJECT_LDAP__FORCE__NO__PAGE=true`.
I thing that the env variables correspond to a configuration but I'm sadly also unable to find any summary of available env variables.
There is a page that claims to have "the full list of supported environment variables" but it's obviously incomplete.
But with
openproject config
you should at least get a list of your instance.Related question:
should the OpenID settings (i.e. these settings) also be available via ENV variables?