Migration error when running
Added by Mirko Ciecinski over 3 years ago
I installed OpenProject 11.4.1 with PostgreSQL 12.8 on Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) and "Demo project" works fine.
After that I wanted to migrate my old openproject database dump (mysql - don't know which version it was - I guess V7.1) to OpenProject 11, running your shell script /opt/openproject/script/migration/
I called it in the following way:
/opt/openproject/script/migration# bash /private-backup/mysql-backup/openproject.sql sql
A couple of errors / warning have been displayed, but finally it stops after
2.5) Migrating from 10 to current (11)
migration unsuccessful. Please check migration.log
Attached you can find my migration.log. On the same folder the file openproject-mysql-dump-8.sql was created by your bash script.
In migration.log I see several errors regarding unknown column "updated_on", but I'm not able to fix it
StandardError: An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:
PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column "updated_on" of relation "users" does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE "users" SET "admin" = $1, "updated_on" = $2 WHERE "us...
Please could you help me?
Thanks in advance!