Added by Markus Gallenberger over 3 years ago
Dear forum participants,
after installation of OP 11.3.2 on a raspberry pi 4B (4GB) with an actual RPi OS lite (buster) according for internal company project managing I am missing the sended e-mails for invitation, password reset and notifications.
The installation guide was helpful to make the first steps and mentioned also the issue regarding the sending of notifications. Sadly the cronjob
*/1 * * * * cd /home/openproject/openproject; /home/openproject/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/wrappers/rake jobs:workoff
can't execute as the path for the rake command is not existing. It misses the .rvm folder. Does it miss the installation of RVM?
While installation there are also some usage of rake. I can't remember which path of rake has been used.
I also had to pay attention for little older version of ruby as there are some changes within ruby so some commands results in warnings and errors.
My question: Before running "rake jobs::workoff" to execute the delayed jobs found according the health check in I would like to filter and remove older password and invitation e-mails.
What I have to do for getting executable openproject commands?
As the system is used currently for only few projects the performance of the RPi should be acceptable.
Thanks in advance.