Migrating Openproject 8.1.0 Bitnami stack to native current version
Added by Thorsten Senger over 3 years ago
We have a Bitnami stack of Openproject 8.1.0 running for quiet a while now but have to move it to a different virtual machine. While doing so we want to upgrade to the most recent version and also switch from Bitnami stack to a native installion on Ubuntu 20.04 to make updates easier... which leads to my current problem:
Althoug I installed the original Bitnami stack and migrated the data through several Updates in between newer stacks as of right now I'm stumped. Being used by only a small group within our department that stack only needed to be updated from time to time and evryone was satisfied. But last year, as you may imagine, there was not much time to tend for that stack (believe it or not, in the middle of the pandemic we switched out all server cabinets and that took months...). So when I got back to it I found all of the bookmarks I had leading to very different pages or nonexisting pages. I relied only on online documentation so right now, I have nothing to work with. And all docs regarding mysql installation seems to be gone.
So I don't know where to start right now. Which data do I need to backup from my current stack, which/how to convert and how do I import it into a new installation?
Can you help me? Also, as this is only used by a small group, I'm not big into Linux. I can find my way around a little bit but it is not really my main OS to work with.
Replies (1)
Wow. So many replies... :(
Ok, I managed to get a mysql dump from my old Bitnami stack and installed packaged version on my new VM. Also, I did the basic configuration of that new installation and it runs fine (after having much trouble understanding the installation guide...).
So, now I have problems in understanding how to import that old mysql dump into the new postgresql installation.
The FAQ says: "You can migrate your data from MYSQL using" Nice. it also referes to using dumps. But: How to I migrate? What is a DATABASE_URL? How do I use pgloader? I found this:
But I don't really understand what to do here since I only have a simple dump-file of my mysql database.
I am neither a Linux nor SQL expert. Right now I'm stuck at point 5 in the FAQ.
Maybe someone can help me?