Added by Marthin Handgraaf about 4 years ago
Is it possible to install an old version of OpenProject.
I have a backup of a version 7.4 MySQL database and want/need to get this working again.
All the installers seem only to install the latest version of OpenProject.
I tried to migrate the database to PostgreSQL but that fails.
Replies (2)
Hi Martin, I'm sure you already found the documentation regarding this, including the tip to re-install?
Have you tried pointing to an old release instead of release 11 during the installation? Not sure whether they're still available, though.
Kind regards
Hi Matthias,
I found solutions for many things, including editing the MySQL file before migrating it to PostgreSQL.
With the help of some forum posts, some Google research I was able to get almost all fixed. So I got the data back in version 10.5.6. But upgrading this to version 11 fails because the database migration is not finishing. So I guess most of it works ... but not everything 100%.
So I think of keeping the 7.4 version and start fresh with version 11 for new projects.
(and keeping that version up-to-date)
MySQL versions of OpenProject are not available, except for in Docker, but I don't understand docker (and vice versa)