Added by Jannik Schlossberger over 4 years ago
Hey Guys,
maybe you can help me! I set up OpenProject on a Debian 10 clean install. Everything is working fine, except sending "password forgot" mails or "send invite to user" or "assign random password (send to user)".
Project notifications are received, as well as the test mail.
Any help?
Thanks in advance!
Replies (6)
Yes, don't working for me also... And I don't see in log-file nothing. Maybe this bug new version...
Hi Anton, have you tried sending a test email? Did it work? (Administration ->Email ->Email notifications ->(scroll down:) "send test email")
Kind regards
Yes, email test send. Don't send others email: new user and eth.
Matthias Laux wrote:
The same issue here:
Same issue here, everything works (including 'Test e-mail')... but I don't receive any other e-mail notification.
Hi everyone,
There are two different types of emails in OpenProject: One sent directly and from the frontend (this includes the test mail) and one sent asynchronously, via a background job from the backend (this includes the notifications for work package changes, as far as I know).
Could you please have a look if the background worker is running by entering " ps aux | grep jobs " on the server? If it is not running, you don't get any feedback. If it is running then something with "jobs:work" at the end.
Otherwise please try to call your domain name followed by "health_checks/all" (e.g.
There should be something about "delayed_jobs_backed_up" and "delayed_jobs_never_ran". If PASSED is written behind it, everything is good.
If the worker is not running (the output is "" instead of "jobs:work") please try a restart with " sudo openproject restart worker ".
If that doesn't help it could be that the worker is scaled to 0 for some reason, so please try " sudo openproject scale worker=1 ".
And if that doesn't help either, please have a look at your logs, which are accessible with " sudo openproject logs ".
Another approach would be to restart OpenProject completely, that sometimes helps too.
Kind regards