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Error 404 when loading an image
Added by roxane anquetil over 4 years ago
Hi everyone,
I have now another error on OpenProject, which I have installed a few weeks ago now on my server running on Linux, Ubuntu 16.4 distribution. I can't charge any image on the interface, let it be my avatar or an image put in a message content.
Here is the error I get :
If I look more in detail, I have this error in the headers :
Now on my server, If I look in apache logs "/var/log/apache2/error.log", I don't see any error 404.
I don't know where this error comes from. Can you help me please?
Replies (1)
Hello Roxane,
you definitely will not find a 404 in your Apache log file when the response is coming from gravatar. Moreover, your browser seems to have cached the 404 for this request. So clearing the cache would be a first step.
You can also copy/past the gravatar url and call it directly (maybe in a different browser). That should just show you the image in the browser. If not, it really means that the avatar is not available anymore.
Concerning loading other images, that should be visible in your apache log file.