You can check for blocked or failing font request in your browser:
In Firefox, Edge and IE press <ctrl+shift+i>. It will open the developer tools. You can then navigate to the network tab, select only fonts and reload the page. That should look like this:
If you do not get 200 in the first column, it means that your browser was not able to retrieve the fonts.
Replies (4)
Are you using the packaged installation? What version are you running ?
Do you see any blocked or failing font requests in your browser's console?
I used sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/openproject.repo \
How do i check for any blocked or failing font requests ? I dont think so
I used sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/openproject.repo \
How do i check for any blocked or failing font requests ? I dont think so
ted ted wrote:
You can check for blocked or failing font request in your browser:
In Firefox, Edge and IE press <ctrl+shift+i>. It will open the developer tools. You can then navigate to the network tab, select only fonts and reload the page. That should look like this:
If you do not get 200 in the first column, it means that your browser was not able to retrieve the fonts.