Added by Andrew Irwin almost 11 years ago
I get the message below, does any one know what is wrong.
openproject@cbceg-proj : /openproject$ bundle install —without portgres rmagick
Fetching source index from
Fetching git ://
fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=Connection refused
I have restarted the server and still get the same message.
Replies (8)
Dear All,
I got similar problem related to
bundle install
(resp.:bundle install --without rmagick
). After quite long time of waiting onFetching git://
I am getting:
fatal: read error: Connection timed out
Retrying git clone 'git://' "/home/openproject/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451/cache/bundler/git/rspec-example_disabler-35a5fb1feefa41a28078cf521b6e33d3c8fe6014" --bare --no-hardlinks --quiet due to error (2/3): Bundler::Source::Git::GitCommandError Git error: command `git clone 'git://' "/home/openproject/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451/cache/bundler/git/rspec-example_disabler-35a5fb1feefa41a28078cf521b6e33d3c8fe6014" --bare --no-hardlinks --quiet` in directory /home/openproject/openproject has failed.
I tried to skip this step but when I want to create databases (
bundle exec rake db:create:all
) I got:Could not find rake-10.1.0 in any of the sources
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
If I should create new thread let me know.
Thank you in advace for any help.
I guess this is a network error (in both cases). I am not sure how to proceed here (because says that everything is fine and it works on my computer). Are you able to reach in your browser?
— tessi
Yes I could from a different machine, but there is no browser on the server that I’m installing this on.
This may not have anything to do with openproject, but the port 9418 on the firewall is block, which means that the command git:// will not work.
Is this possible?
Hello Andrew,
yes this could be the cause. Try to replace the a line (152) in the Gemfile and run
bundle install
We changed the Gemfile in the dev branch, Thanks a lot for the hint.
Thanks that solved it.
Finally I took machine on different network and it works before I have red this post. Thank you all anyway.