Added by Peter Verkooijen about 5 years ago
I wasted a month trying to install OpenProject on a standard CentOS 7 with cPanel/WHM VPS with full SSH acccess, following all the different instructions and documentation out there.
I have all the OP scripts and dependencies installed on the server and working according to SSH tests, including Ruby and Phusion Passenger. But actually deploying the app to the browser, configuring an existing Apache installation controlled by cPanel/WHM, seems impossible.
So if you are trying to install OpenProject in for example a subfolder of your company website on an active server, don't waste your time and look for another project management solution.
Replies (4)
Peter, that is simply not true. RTFM!
@Niels Lindenthal, there is nothing in the f***ing manual about the issue reported in the Stackoverflow thread that I linked to. The keyword 'mod_ssl' can not be found in
The keywords 'cPanel', 'WHM', 'Easy Apache', 'EasyApache4' or 'Application Manager' also do not appear anywhere in - or is the f***ing manual somewhere else?
Until I see proof to the contrary, I stick to my statement that OpenProject cannot be installed on a standard CentOS 7 with cPanel/WHM VPS.
In the system requirements we do not tell anybody that we support cpanel. So you shouldn't be surprised. Why should an open source software support a proprietary control panel if there are plenty of open source alternatives?
Your statement is complete bullshit. It shows that you have no idea what you are saying. OpenProject runs perfectly fine in subdirectories.
I bet that you do not contribute to open source software. You are one these people who do not understand there are people behind this project that spend a lot of their life time to make this happen. So please think twice before you slag other people's work.
@Niels Lindenthal, are you confirming that OpenProject cannot be installed on a server that runs cPanel/WHM?
I understand that OpenProject can run in a subdirectory. My point was that it cannot run in a subdirectory of a typical self-hosted small business website, which will in most cases run on a VPS with cPanel/WHM and Apache already installed.
I am not a Ruby developer, I am an end user of open source applications. I try to contribute to open source by posting my experiences with installation etc. and ideally my solutions when I find them. In this case I had hoped my posts would help others trying to install OpenProject on CentOS 7 with cPanel/WHM, but it looks like there is no possible happy end.