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Changing from localhost to IP address
Added by Dustin Beuerlein about 5 years ago
To setup an actual demo of this for my team, I've installed the system, figured out everything that the documentation is missing (which is a lot) and finally having a working demo, but it's configured to redirect everything back to 'localhost' by default - this is annoying to say the least.
Is there a configuration file somewhere in here that I can change this so that I can have my team simply go to the IP of the server that is hosting OP and have them demo it?
Replies (3)
I have the same issue.
I've installed on my domain and it works. But when I navigate to adiminstration/account pages it redirects me to
I've tried to change URL on Settings > General, but it has no effect.
Can someone help me, please?
Thanks in advance.
I've only ever installed OP on a cloud based webserver so I'm not sure if I am going to be much help here as you both want to set it up on a local network... However I will try...
Have you checked that apache is configured correctly?
Have you tried specifying your IP in the openproject.conf virtualhost found in /etc/apache2/sites-available/?
so change <VirtualHost *:80> to <VirtualHost x.x.x.x:80>
Have you tried changing the port if there is potentially a conflict with the 000-default.conf site or another site on the same port?
I have the same issue.
Can someone help me, please?