Added by Various Interactive almost 6 years ago
Updateing Openproject from 8.3.1 to 8.3.2 i receive after running openproject configure.
ERROR: Module perl not properly enabled: /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/perl.load is a real file, not touching it
Ubuntu 16.04
Replies (5)
Hi Harald,
which distribution are you running on?
Hi Oliver,
thanks but this link solved my issue:
Now i have that issue:
return the correct value. With username/password i can onnect with mysql -u openproject -p I tried to migrate to posgre but that fails.
Any ideas?
Thanks and kind regards,
Now, that also works, but and configure script compleates without error.
But still have empty page (500):
The error reports that with the value in
postgres cannot connect to the database due to an invalid password.You can check what this entry is with
openproject config:get DATABASE_URL
Can you manually connect with the following command?
psql $(openproject config:get DATABASE_URL)
If you followed our migration guides , you were instructed to create a postgres user with a password. This password needs to be entered in the URL and potentially URL escaped. If you have special characters in your URL, please escape your password with
openproject run ruby -r cgi -e "puts CGI.escape('your-password-here');"
Hi Oliver,
thanks now everything is working. I migrated to PostgreSQL and updated to 9.0.1.
Thanks and kind regards,