Added by R. Szibele over 8 years ago
Hello everyone.
I would like to install OpenProject on my Odroid (similar to Raspberry Pi - ARM architecture), but there aren’t any binary armhf packages for OpenProject, which is really unfortunate.
I am currently using Redmine on my Odroid which does have armhf debian packages and that makes installation a breeze. Ruby on rails sites are a real pita to set up and install manually.
Is there a chance for OpenProject Debian armhf packages in the future? I would love to migrate to OpenProject.
Replies (52)
I am curious: what is the point in installing a collaboration plattform on Odroid?
This is somewhat old, but I’d like to get back to that question: Are there armhf packages available today for OP?
With a lot of effort I finally got my OP manual installation up an running on an Tinkerboard mini-server - so it is possible to run OP on arm (no problem with dependencies, evyrthing is there what’s needed.
In fact, I’d be happy to help in building arm (debian) packages for OP, but I’m somewhat new to building packages so I’d need a guiding hand. Anybody out there willing to give it a try?
PS: The advantage of the arm devices running OP for me is the low power consumption as an always-on device. I don’t have big load so this device is completely sufficient for now…
Stefan Soeffing wrote:
You mean that the problem described in this topic has been solved : ?
Good news !
Good to know that one have to use the manual installation to get it working. Thanks for the Info.
Not exactly sure whether the libv8 problem is solved. According to one of the replies to that topic, using node.js is an alternative to therubyracer.
Following the manual installation guide I did install node.js - I’m not sure whether I have thereubyracer as well…
Anyway, works for me - but a nice installer package (or docker image) would be even better :-)
Any ideas?
Stefan Soeffing wrote:
I haven’t got the necessary knowledge to help you for the package :/
But I agree that it would be the greatest solution ! :)
I just have to disagree for the Docker package idea, as I’m still the kind of sysadmin that enjoys knowing which packages/dependencies are used for the software I install. And I must say that the openproject installer is already dark/complex enough :p
(but this is a ideology debate ! Sorry, I don’t aim to change the topic direction)
Even if this thread does not seem very active, I just wanted to comment that I managed to install Openproject on a raspberry pi 3b+
The version installed is 8.2.1, following the manual instructions. (it does not use therubyracer). Beware, this is not something that is done in a couple of minutes. Some steps take ages, and some things have to be taken in consideration:
Someone in the thread asked what was the point of installing a collaboration platform on this type of devices.... I know this kind of devices have their limits, I also know that they were not designed as industry grade hardware, but I happen to like them as low power always on servers for small groups. I configured one with a self-hosted cloud (of course with external harddrive) that works wonderfully well for small groups and another one as a backup server. I have a small group of people that probably will give this openproject a try (not sure yet), see what happens.
To GD: I'd love to know a WHOLE lot more about how you did this... I've got CentOS running on my 3b+ and can't seem to find a crowbar big enough to make this work. I'm strictly trying to make it available to just ONE user as a test platform before she considers even suggesting it to a production envrionment. but thank you for the ray of hope with this post...
@Richard Woods and @G D:
I have also been trying to get OpenProject running on my Raspberry Pi 3b+. So far I have been able to get everything installed, but with some caveats which I will edit in this post later today.
At this point I am stuck at the Apache not loading a module, due to an error with the Secret Key Base. Has anyone encountered and solved this already?
Which OS are you using for the pi?
I'm running Raspbian Stretch.
In the mean time I have been able to get the secret key base error fixed, but now OpenProject is throwing an error which I haven't been able to look into yet.
On a Raspberry Pi 4 (4gb ram) with Raspian Buster, and after numerous failed dead-ended attempts with other versions, this is the specific combination that did the trick for me: ruby 2.7.0, node 12.14.1 and npm 6.13.7. Various other versions of each software led to crashes at one point or another. Special attention might need to be given to node-gyp and node-sass, but not quite clear on that yet.
I did try the docker path first, but that went pretty badly, so a modified manual route was what it took.
I'll put this together in more detail, but on the 4gb Pi it's very responsive and perfectly usable, email notification work fine, the UI is snappy and should be good for a few users.
@Made Whatnow I'm keen to hear how this goes as I'm contemplating running OP on my Pi 4 too. Do you already have some steps? I'd be happy to test them for you!
Robin Wade wrote:
It's going to go quicker now that I know I'm not the only one interested in it! I first got stable/9 running, then had to go back once I realized that stable/10 had been out for a while - and got that working in a similarly painful way.
Steps aren't uploaded yet, as I seem to be running into some dependency issues that only resolve themselves at some point while trying different versions of ruby, its gems and npm. And given that each attempt to run through the installation from scratch takes half a day, it's been a slow process to troubleshoot.
If you just want to get in running, I can send you a system image with raspian/openproject installed and ready for the RPi 4.
That would be great thanks.. how can we do this?
I was hoping the steps to install OP for Arm64 could be documented somewhere?
Do you think you would be able to retrace and publish something
Appreciate the post.. Thank you
Made Whatnow wrote:
@James: Took me a bit longer, but I think these instructions work - just finished another test run with some minor backtracking along the way. If you run into problems or have any fixes to suggest, please do get in touch. Good luck!
@ Robin: Can you message/email me via Github?
Got some feedback and added some troubleshooting steps. Looks like there was a potential problem with the readability of /etc/hosts & /etc/resolv.conf, that caused the db:seed step to break. Fixed now.
Made Whatnow wrote:
I followed your guide but am running into several issues. In the guide you mentioned sending you a message for an image file link. Could you share that with me please?
I don't want to post my email address here, but you can find it on github. Can you mail me the issues you are running into? If you don't mind a large download, I can definitely get you the working image.
William Golden wrote:
Hi William,
I'll put that link here temporarily, but will likely take it off in a day or two - perhaps notify me once you have it:
SSH is enabled, use pi // raspberry as the login. OpenProject can be accessed via admin // RaspberryPi .
Background jobs are NOT enabled yet, but emails can be sent once configured. You will need a 32gb sd card - the image is zipped, MD5 checksum is 275277afc2dcd81562bf534997601a15.
For some reason I cannot unzip the image file you sent. It's giving an "unspecified error". I'll try and message you through github as well
Made Whatnow wrote:
Can you try downloading it again? I got one confirmed, running installation based off that file.
I'm running into some problems too. I worked out that unzipping the image with 'the unarchiver' would result in an img file, but then (although my SD card is 32GB) when I try to burn the image to it there's not enough space on it. Tried to find contact details for MadeWhatnow on GIT but couldn't find them.
I had the same problem with the file size. Then i downsized the image from MadeWhatnow with PiShrink. New file size is 9.9gb. You can temporarily download the file here:
Didn't know that tool existed, very useful - thanks!
Thanks Mischu! Much appreciated :) and Made Whatnow, thanks so much for all your work so far!
Did you change the password Mischu?
No, i downsized the original image from MadeWhatnow
I'm so sorry, I was using a german keyboard, and the y of raspberry became a z in the password! All fine now. Thanks very much :)
Thanks a lot for all of you that worked hard to make this work. I'm trying to install the image and set it up, but I'm not that expert in Raspberry, and would appreciate a hand from you guys if you are willing to point me at least in some directions.
I have managed to install the image and boot the pi to a command line. but, when I try to connect to the webserver from another computer on the same network, here is what i get:
Looks like I'm able to contact the server, but maybe I'm missing some configuration...
thanks in advance for your help!
Can you take a look at the /var/log/apache2/error.log?
I will take a wild guess - assuming that the Apache permissions are ok, I have seen this problem due to a timeout error. Creating a /etc/apache2/conf-available/passenger.conf file and adding the line 'PassengerStartTimeout 200' at the top might just fix it. Good luck!
Hey, guys. A few months ago I wrote about how to make OP works in ARM using Rancher -- which runs Kubernetes under the hood -- through a Docker image. Unfortunatelly I published only in Portuguese; I think that only by seeing the config screenshots you might be able to understand the whole process. Here is the link:
note: maybe using Bing Translator might help you also
Update for Feb 2021 - OpenProject 11 works on Raspberry Pi 4. I updated the instructions, the process seems a lot more robust and throws hardly any/no error messages. I have a test image if somebody wants to give it a go, and this time round I will actually check my mailbox. Sorry!
The link to the image file lives on github now, which should make it easier to test performance and features.
Thanks to Made Whatnow I got OP installed on my RasPi4.
I would like to change manually now to BIM edition? Does anybody know how to do it?
Sorry - that's beyond me! But happy to hear you got it working!
Hi, instructions in how to upgrade to the latest version will be very helpful, thanks! all working good on my raspberry pi 4 version 11.1.4 but want to upgrade to 11.2.3, any help appreciated
I've been using OpenProject 11 on a Raspberry Pi 4 for about 2 months and it runs smoothly despite some very small issues. I can't thank you all enough for this, specially to Made Whatnow whose image I used to make it work. I'm still getting using to OP, but I'm very enthusiastic about it.
That being said, I have to say I'm a huge noob when it comes to programming, but I've made my way thought setting up OP on the Raspberry Pi 4, and I've been trying to fix some of the issues I came across. The most annoying issues are that I can't get the email notification to work and can't upgrade OP version (as Louis mentioned).
The e-mail notification seems not be working because the system can't find ruby. When I try running the command presented in here I get the error "/usr/bin/env: ‘ruby’: No such file or directory". When I run "ruby --version" I get "ruby: command not found" message.
On the other hand, when trying to upgrade OP following the procedure presented here I get the following error: "Unable to locate package openproject".
I haven't figured out my way through yet, but I hope it rings someone's bell.
Thanks to Made Whatnow for the new image file! It runs very well on my PI4 4GB.
After installing the OpenProject 11 image i also had problems with the notifications. I am not a programmer. But after some hours of reading and searching it works now.
Here is my solution/configuration:
Login with:
Mail settings in configuration.yml
Settings for crontab:
Insert the following line at the end of the file:
I d'ont now why but it takes about 5 minutes to receive notifications mails. But for me it's ok
Thank you very much, Michel W! Your solution worked perfectly to me.
Michel W wrote:
Hy, I want to try this... reading, I realized that Openproject 11 worked better than Open Project 10...
Now, Openproject 12 is out...
Has somebody tried to install Openproject 12 on Raspberry?
juan m. wrote:
I am currently working on trying to install OP 12, if anyone has compiled it correctly I would love to hear from you
POLL: Please could you share on what hardware that is ARM based you would run OpenProject as a production environment?
Levi Walton wrote:
I am also currently trying on my RPI4. Running through the instructions at rather straightforward when setting the following versions
But now I am stuck at the very end. Phusion Passenger throws errors related to non-matching gem versions (such as "You have already activated strscan 3.0.1, but your Gemfile requires strscan 3.0.4. [..]").
Reason seems to be that it does not pick up the gems from "vendor/bundle" directory (where all the gems seem to be correctly available) inside the openproject folder but rather some gems from the local installation. This one I haven't figured out yet. Any ideas around here?
Ok, I made OP12 work for me on my Raspberry PI4. In addition to the modifications already described in my post above, here's the rest
SetEnv GEM_PATH /home/openproject/openproject/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0
to /etc/apache2/sites-available/openproject.conf
This resolved my gem path / bundler issue from above. No idea why this was necessary, but it helped for me
PassengerDisableAnonymousTelemetry on
PassengerFriendlyErrorPages on
PassengerDisableSecurityUpdateCheck on
to /etc/apache2/mods-available/passenger.conf to get rid of some apache / passenger errors and warnings with telemetry and failing update checks.
config.force_ssl = false
in /home/openproject/openproject/config/environments/production.rb (was
config.force_ssl = OpenProject::Configuration.https?
)All of this together made it work for me. Your mileage may vary...
And also - pretty sure this configuration is as insecure as it can get, should not be used outside a trusted local network
Having successfully installed OpenProject (stable/12), we forked the repository for the current installation procedure ( and modified the content based on it The following is the revised version.
Installing Passenger from apt will save you one part of the procedure and the time required.
っくり ゆ wrote:
I couldn't get through that, unfortunately.
First of all, I needed never versions of node and ruby (starting from a fresh raspberry pi os lite installation (64bit), or later steps would complain.
git clone git:// ~/.nodenv/plugins/node-build
failed, the repo doesn't seem to exist anymore. I found a replacement at (Fingers crossed that's not what's breaking things for me)Despite being on a 4gb model, I needed the swap-space enlarged; or the precompile-step would fail.
I can get through to the end; and maybe I'm just getting the apache-config wrong, but I only get to see the default website, and I'm really not competent enough to tell if openproject is even running. (home/openproject/openproject/public is populated:
422.html assets favicon.ico fonts javascripts
I understand. I will check and update the procedure!
Thanks for the report!
Rasmus Neikes wrote: