Updated by Oliver Günther 8 days ago
**As** an organizer of meetings
**I want to** be able to define meeting series
**so that** I don't have to manually copy and set them up
**Acceptance criteria**
* There is Create a checkbox after the Date and time field
new meeting resource "Recurring meeting"
* Label: "Meeting series"
* Caption: "Enable this if you would like to create A recurring meeting has a series of recurring meetings."
* Enabling this displays these additional fields: repetition schedule e.g.,
* "**Recurrence**" (required) is a select field with options:
weekly, daily, every wednesday, ...
* Every day
repeat for X occurrences, until date Y
* Every week
Inspired by calendar schedule creation
<img class="image_resized op-uc-image op-uc-image_inline" style="width:233px;" src="/api/v3/attachments/102147/content">
* Every 2 weeks
* Every month
* "**End after**" (required) is An iteration can exist as a select field placeholder list item, or as an actual meeting with options:
* A specific date
* Selecting this displays recurring meeting has a date field titled "End date" (required)
list of the next X iterations
* A specific number of meetings
* Selecting this displays recurring meeting has an input field titled "Number of meetings" (required) associated ICS file, that only accepts integers
defines the schedule for groupware
* \[open\] Max-value: 99?
That file contains a link back to the recurring event, or possibly the next iteration
* This calendar year
* The "Create" primary button A menu item is changed added to "Create meeting series"
<br> the meetings module &quot;Recurring meetings&quot; that contains a listing of the events
**I want to** be able to define meeting series
**so that** I don't have to manually copy and set them up
**Acceptance criteria**
* There is
* Caption: "Enable this if you would like to create
* Enabling this displays these additional fields:
* "**Recurrence**" (required) is a select field with options:
<img class="image_resized op-uc-image op-uc-image_inline" style="width:233px;" src="/api/v3/attachments/102147/content">
* Every month
* "**End after**" (required) is
* Selecting this displays
* Selecting this displays
* The "Create" primary button