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Isabelle Pelissier
Reported work packages: 0
General discussion: new view (Project: OpenProject)created on 02/01/2024 11:37 AMhello, I'd like to have an overview of all the current projects with their associated budgets and the remainder to be co...
General discussion: list budget (Project: OpenProject)created on 12/13/2023 02:08 PMHello all, I'm new user on OpenProject
How can I :
- have a list of existing budgets
- take out the tasks or features t...
General discussion: RE: budget (Project: OpenProject)created on 10/09/2023 03:24 PMJ'ai trouvé, comment faire. Merci de votre aide. Cordialement
General discussion: RE: budget (Project: OpenProject)created on 10/09/2023 08:44 AMBonjour, Oui j'avais bien compris mais en fait je n'ai pas accès à cette partie (cf mon écran)
General discussion: budget (Project: OpenProject)created on 10/04/2023 02:55 PMHello, in the budget you can enter time estimates for project members. Is it also possible to enter estimated expenses i...