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Kerim Güney
Reported work packages: 0
General discussion: Same-named sub projects of multiple different parent projects cause ambiguity in the UI when creating work packages (Project: OpenProject)updated on 03/16/2021 07:55 AMHi all,
we're currently evaluating OpenProject for our company and love it so far but there's one use case that could be...
General discussion: RE: Work package ordering in project -> work packages doesn't stick (Project: OpenProject)created on 02/20/2020 10:42 AMI found out why. I hadn't noticed that when you move around the work packages, a floppy disk symbol appears at the title...
General discussion: Work package ordering in project -> work packages doesn't stick (Project: OpenProject)updated on 02/20/2020 10:42 AMI've set the sorting of work packages to manually and would expect that the work packages order would be modified as I d...
- The changes were retracted.
General discussion: Work package ordering in project -> work packages doesn't stick (Project: OpenProject)created on 02/14/2020 03:09 PMI've set the sorting of work packages to manually and would expect that the work packages order would be modified as I d...