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Mark Sargent
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created on 01/08/2019 03:37 AMBitnami OpenProject 8.0.1-1 on GCP
I ran the below command but get error
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails c
Could ...
created on 10/02/2018 02:55 AMNo worries, figured this one out. Assign Project Creator, limits their view/access to only projects they've either creat...
updated on 10/02/2018 02:55 AMNew to OpenProject. I want to give someone the ability to create new projects, but not allow them access as a Project Cr...
- The changes were retracted.
created on 10/02/2018 02:33 AMNew to OpenProject. I want to give someone the ability to create new projects, but not allow them access as a Project Cr...