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Indrek Pihor
Reported work packages: 1
updated on 10/10/2017 10:27 AM
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Ok, its controlled with this function under Settings: Enable REST web service. When this is checked then tokens are avai...
Comment added
updated on 10/10/2017 09:31 AM
- Type set to Bug
- Project set to OpenProject
- Subject set to Missing tokens on "My Settings" area.
- Description set (Details)
- Status set to new
- Priority set to High
- Version set to 7.3.0
- Author set to Indrek Pihor
- % Complete set to 0%
- Scheduling mode set to Automatic
- Working days set to include non-working days
- File token_add_missing.JPG added as attachment
- Module set to My account
- Bug found in version set to (deleted option)
created on 03/04/2016 12:37 PMYes, its probably because of the version difference, we will install the same version and lets see what happens then.
updated on 03/04/2016 12:37 PMWhat could be the reason for this kind of message: “You must not write a read-only attribute.”
Its said when i try to ch...- The changes were retracted.