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Gerda König
Reported work packages: 2
Bug #23652: Can not open public work package Query ("Unable to retrieve query from URL") (Project: OpenProject)updated on 07/20/2016 07:25 AM
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Hello Robin,
thanks for your reply and your proposal.
We also planned to upgrade OpenProject 6.0.0 in the middle of Augu...
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Bug #23652: Can not open public work package Query ("Unable to retrieve query from URL") (Project: OpenProject)updated on 07/19/2016 11:15 AM
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Hello Robin,
no unfortunately not :(
Is there another opportunity to delete the query?
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Bug #23652: Can not open public work package Query ("Unable to retrieve query from URL") (Project: OpenProject)updated on 07/18/2016 12:08 PM
- Type set to Bug
- Project set to OpenProject
- Subject set to Can not open public work package Query ("Unable to retrieve query from URL")
- Description set (Details)
- Status set to new
- Priority set to High
- Author set to Gerda König
- % Complete set to 0%
- Work set to 0h
- Scheduling mode set to Automatic
- Working days set to include non-working days
- File Bug_Open_Public_Query.JPG added as attachment
created on 04/08/2016 03:53 PMHi Niels,
thank you for your quick response.
Gerda -
updated on 04/08/2016 03:53 PMHello OpenProject-Team,
Is there a possibility to show the estimated time as a column in the timeline?
Currently the “st...- The changes were retracted.
created on 04/08/2016 03:27 PMHello OpenProject-Team,
Is there a possibility to show the estimated time as a column in the timeline?
Currently the “st...
created on 03/03/2016 09:50 AMI get same error message in version: OpenProject 5.0.8
updated on 03/03/2016 09:50 AMWhat could be the reason for this kind of message: “You must not write a read-only attribute.”
Its said when i try to ch...- The changes were retracted.
updated on 02/09/2016 09:20 AM
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Thank you for the type and version update, Oliver!
1. What functionality that would encompass?
As an OpenProject user i ...
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updated on 02/09/2016 08:14 AM
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Hi Oliver,
Thank you for your quick response. We need this, because as soon as wiki becomes overflooded with data and at...
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updated on 02/08/2016 11:00 AM
- Type set to Bug
- Project set to OpenProject
- Subject set to Cannot find uploaded files in wiki
- Description set (Details)
- Status set to new
- Priority set to Medium
- Author set to Gerda König
- % Complete set to 0%
- Scheduling mode set to Automatic
- Working days set to include non-working days
- File results_search_function.png added as attachment
- File wiki_test_file.png added as attachment