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Michal Lamtych
Reported work packages: 0
Development: Change the number of characters comment form 255 to bigger amount ? (Project: OpenProject)created on 04/22/2015 11:48 AMHello
Where I can change the number of characters in comment field in section Log unit costs (see the screenshot) for fo... -
created on 04/22/2015 11:37 AMAnd when is the APIv3 will be able to create tickets and insert data ?
updated on 04/22/2015 11:36 AMHello
I have a question is there is any option to insert data to the OpenProject database through its API ?- The changes were retracted.
created on 04/22/2015 11:35 AMThanks I`m looking forward for this !
created on 04/20/2015 12:40 PMI’m actually trying to insert new new work packed to the project but cant do this :/ An one has any idea ?
updated on 04/20/2015 12:40 PMHello
I have a question is there is any option to insert data to the OpenProject database through its API ?- The changes were retracted.
created on 04/15/2015 07:59 AMHello
I have a question is there is any option to insert data to the OpenProject database through its API ?
Support Installation & Updates: Where I can found mysql database for openproject ? (Project: OpenProject)created on 04/10/2015 11:05 AMHello
I have a question (may be stupid :) ), where I can find a file or something which contains data like mysql databas...