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Ciobanu Constantin
Reported work packages: 0
created on 08/26/2014 11:17 AMAfter trying to recreate some steps i bumped in to this :
my command:gem install pg -v ‘0.17.1’ — —with-pg-config=/usr/p... -
updated on 08/26/2014 11:17 AMMy problem is the following i tried to install OpenProject, i managed to get as far(with alot of hickups ofc ) as finali...
- The changes were retracted.
created on 08/26/2014 09:18 AMI am running CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
postgres=# CREATE ROLE openproject LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD “myownpassword” NOIN... -
updated on 08/26/2014 09:18 AMMy problem is the following i tried to install OpenProject, i managed to get as far(with alot of hickups ofc ) as finali...
- The changes were retracted.
updated on 08/26/2014 08:58 AMPhilipp Tessenow wrote:
The file looks good. However, the username and password must match your postgresql database cre... -
created on 08/26/2014 08:50 AMPhilipp Tessenow wrote:
The file looks good. However, the username and password must match your postgresql database cre... -
updated on 08/26/2014 08:50 AMMy problem is the following i tried to install OpenProject, i managed to get as far(with alot of hickups ofc ) as finali...
- The changes were retracted.
created on 08/25/2014 07:19 PMproduction:
adapter: postgresql
encoding: utf8
database: openproject
pool: 5
username: openproject
password: openproject... -
updated on 08/25/2014 07:19 PMMy problem is the following i tried to install OpenProject, i managed to get as far(with alot of hickups ofc ) as finali...
- The changes were retracted.
updated on 08/25/2014 03:45 PMMy problem is the following i tried to install OpenProject, i managed to get as far(with alot of hickups ofc ) as finali...