Added by Padma C about 10 years ago
We have started using OpenProject for our portfolio planning from few days now.
But we miss resource planning view which is very essential for us. As resources assignment is quite agile and it might change on a daily basis.
Thus, quick need to know who is available or double booked easily.
Have seen on the Forum that this is planned for this year but could not get a clear visibility from roadmap.
Thus could you please let me know if it will take 3 or 6 months to get this picture?
**One small thing that can help here quickly is adapting the Gantt chart with:
# adding the assignee name to the task names on the Gantt chart in the timeline view
# to make it readable, connect the tasks listed on left side with (maybe dotted lines) to their corresponding tasks on Gantt chart.
also, can I save a predefined filtered calendar? it will be easy to use the feature than redoing the same filter all the time.
Replies (8)
Hi Padma,
thanks for your question.
Resource planning is indeed an important feature which is still missing from OpenProject.
However, the next OpenProject releases will focus on improving the usability of existing features (such as allowing inplace edit in the work package details view) before moving on to additional functionality. Therefore, it will most likely take rather 6 months or longer before implementing resource planning.
I like the workaround you mentioned with regards to the timeline. You can indeed add the assignee as a column to the timeline by adapting the timeline report accordingly and use filters to show only work packages assigned to certain persons.
At the moment it is not possible to save the filters in the calendar. (This is currently possible in the work package list, the timeline and in cost reports).
resource planning is also very important for me.
Following problem:
One department got 10 employee, each of them work 8 hours a day, overall there are 80 hours per week.
Big boss needs to spread workpackages and needs to know which department got worktime left.
A plugin to handle resources would be very nice!
Is it still in progress or is there any other possibility to realize stuff like that?
Hi Philipp,
you can get an overview of the workload of users or groups by using the work package table and grouping by e.g. “Assignee” or “Responsible”.
For instance, if you use “Estimated time” to plan the workload for your work packages you can add the “Estimated time” column to the work package page, enable sums and group by assignee to view the workload for each user (in estimated hours).
Please have a look at this answer for more information:
Best regards,
It still is a missed and important feature.
Two years have gone by,
Usability is important but you need the functionality first to improve is usability.
I’d have the same question indeed!
This is a very important feature.
Is there any plugin outthere for this ? or any plan to make this basic feauture of openProject ?
I would appreciate it too.
User workload over ALL involved projects (visible for projectmanagers) would be great.
I'm trying to implement a project management software and I'm now testing OpenProject.
This feature is also missing for me : when we assign someone to a workpackage, I need to have the information of the availability of the ressource, and define also a percentage of his remaining time to spend on this workpackage.
Example : On week 1, if user1 is only available for 40% of his time and I want to book him for 30% more on an other workpackage. On this week, this user will only have 10% of his time available to work on another workpackage.
Also when making a Gantt, it would be great to assign a user for a percentage of his disponibility. Regarding to the beginning of the task, and the estimated time to spend, it will automatically calculate the end of the task. If I assign a second user (not available today), it will modify the calculated end.
Do you know if some evolutions are planned in this way ?
Thanks a lot,