Added by Michael Elliott over 6 years ago
I have created a custom configuration view via the "Administration > System Settings > Work Package Tracking" settings and it only seems to work on the "All Open" view of a project's work package list. The is especially problematic for the the Gantt chart view. Is there anyway to either
A) set a "Configure View" as a global default
B) have the Work Package Tracking settings follow all of the different Work Package views
Any thoughts are highly appreciated!
Replies (5)
Hi Michael,
I see your point. And we have been thinking about how to achieve that. However, we wanted to get these new default views "out the door" so that beginners find it easier to start working with OP and not wait until defaults a fully customizable.
However, to double check with your requirements: What other columns do you ALWAYS need in a Gantt chart? Which is missing? Or too much? What is your use case?
Thank you!
The column I always need is a custom field I made so I could re-order the work packages visually. The default ID based system makes the Gantt's really messy if the work package numbers get out of sequence (which could be for a whole variety of reasons). I essentially made my own ID (called it #ID).
The larger issue is two fold...
Thank you Michael for the feedback. Ordering Work Packages by ID for Gantt views is not optimal indeed and we know it. Actually we would love to be able to order Work Packages via Drag'n Drop. However, I am not sure if we already found enough sponsors for the development.
...and yes, you are right, saving the same view again and again is tedious.
I second the notion that recreating the view configuration EVERY SINGLE %#* TIME you leave the page and come back is extremely tedious. It is enough to make me choose a different project management software. What needs to be done for this to be added to OpenProject?
Hello CJ Rhoads,
Please keep in mind that these standard views are brand new in OpenProject 8.0. They solved a huge problem for first time users to find quicker what they were looking for. Now, that this feature is finally here, and so many people are happy about it, you (rightfully) wish improvements. However, OpenProject is an OpenSource community effort. Improvements do not fall from sky. People need to spend time to built it while the same people need to pay their bills, too.
To answer your question: You could add the desired functionality yourself, or get somebody else to do it for you. If you need help finding a qualified developer, please let me know.
Thank you.