thanks for your question.
The format for “Estimated time” is hard-wired to hours.
However, you could create a work package custom field to get this behavior:
The format for “Estimated time” is hard-wired to hours.
Bad; 95% of my customers plan in days and not in hours.
It is possible to change this point an only one place in the source code or on many places?
However, you could create a work package custom field to get this behavior:
Yes, this is possible, but with the original field is input to many calculations, or?
It is possible to configurate a calculation between two fields?
I have a custom field “days” and I give a value of 4 and he calculate the value of 32 (=4*8 hours) in the original houre field?
We have the same need: we would like to manage estimated time in days and not in hours.
I know the discussion is quite old, but have you found a solution?
Same request here, we calculate things in the time unit of "man days". Hours could also be interesting in some scenarios, where for example a freelance coworker is billing in hours instead of days. However, a very common time unit is days.
personal opinion: the backend is already capable to do these different kinds of input (the field is technically an ISO8601 duration format), but the frontend forcefully uses hours for formatting. I think this could be solved with a simple setting.
from user perspective, a setting within a project or for a whole hierarchy of projects, that determines whether the unit is hours or days, could be fine. I would in my projects then always set it to days.
However, a more flexible solution to fill the field in days and/or hours within a project or whole project hierarchy would also be nice. Is the backend already agnostic regarding the time unit when it does its calculations, nowhere assumptions in the code that the field has hours? If so, this could perhaps be an easy solution option, giving the users more flexibility, too. (Perhaps as simple as a change in the frontend.)
Or maybe it is possible to support extended GUI inputs like "12d" or "12h"? Then the default value of "hours" can remain (as it is now) and each user can decide whether to enter the time in days or in hours - without any additional configuration.
It would be great to fill estimated cost in hours / days / weeks.
Is it possible to add a workload percentage option meaning that the assignee works during 80% of the estimated cost.
Is it possible to get some kind of workload plan per member or a group of people (with GANTT chart view !). It would be very useful in case a person is assigned a task during two weeks at 40% of his time, I know I can assign him other tasks during those 2 weeks regarding the remaining 60%.
feel free to open a feature request for the estimated time in days and weeks.
Resource management / capacity planning is not yet possible in OpenProject. We are currently looking for a sponsor for this feature.
Regarding the workload per member (with a Gantt chart) you can use the global work package page (click on the "Module" entry, select "Work packages", then group by "Assignee"). Then activate the Gantt chart. This gives you an overview of the tasks assigned to each user across all projects. Optionally, you can filter e.g. by the finish date (e.g. finish date in the current week). The view does not differentiate between the workload of the user but you can get a general overview of the assigned tasks for each user. You can then of course save this in a view for easier future access.
Hi - I'm also interested in having the Estimated Time fields allow for hours/days/weeks. Has there been any progress on this? My team is about to start entering their estimates and I instructed them to use "days", although of course, they cannot...
Replies (11)
Hello Michael,
thanks for your question.

The format for “Estimated time” is hard-wired to hours.
However, you could create a work package custom field to get this behavior:
Hello Robin,
thanks, for answer!
Bad; 95% of my customers plan in days and not in hours.
It is possible to change this point an only one place in the source code or on many places?
Yes, this is possible, but with the original field is input to many calculations, or?
It is possible to configurate a calculation between two fields?
I have a custom field “days” and I give a value of 4 and he calculate the value of 32 (=4*8 hours) in the original houre field?
We have the same need: we would like to manage estimated time in days and not in hours.
I know the discussion is quite old, but have you found a solution?
Same problem here:
All PM in the company calculate estimated / spent time in days.
It would be really helpful if this column would be configurable.
Same request here, we calculate things in the time unit of "man days". Hours could also be interesting in some scenarios, where for example a freelance coworker is billing in hours instead of days. However, a very common time unit is days.
Hi everyone,
personal opinion: the backend is already capable to do these different kinds of input (the field is technically an ISO8601 duration format), but the frontend forcefully uses hours for formatting. I think this could be solved with a simple setting.
Hi Oliver, hi everyone,
from user perspective, a setting within a project or for a whole hierarchy of projects, that determines whether the unit is hours or days, could be fine. I would in my projects then always set it to days.
However, a more flexible solution to fill the field in days and/or hours within a project or whole project hierarchy would also be nice. Is the backend already agnostic regarding the time unit when it does its calculations, nowhere assumptions in the code that the field has hours? If so, this could perhaps be an easy solution option, giving the users more flexibility, too. (Perhaps as simple as a change in the frontend.)
Or maybe it is possible to support extended GUI inputs like "12d" or "12h"? Then the default value of "hours" can remain (as it is now) and each user can decide whether to enter the time in days or in hours - without any additional configuration.
Same issue here !
It would be great to fill estimated cost in hours / days / weeks.
Hi Alex,
feel free to open a feature request for the estimated time in days and weeks.
Resource management / capacity planning is not yet possible in OpenProject. We are currently looking for a sponsor for this feature.
Regarding the workload per member (with a Gantt chart) you can use the global work package page (click on the "Module" entry, select "Work packages", then group by "Assignee"). Then activate the Gantt chart. This gives you an overview of the tasks assigned to each user across all projects. Optionally, you can filter e.g. by the finish date (e.g. finish date in the current week). The view does not differentiate between the workload of the user but you can get a general overview of the assigned tasks for each user. You can then of course save this in a view for easier future access.
Here is an example:
Hi - I'm also interested in having the Estimated Time fields allow for hours/days/weeks. Has there been any progress on this? My team is about to start entering their estimates and I instructed them to use "days", although of course, they cannot...