Added by Cayetano Soriano over 6 years ago
When I create a new task or updated It, there is a big delay between when I modified the task and the e-mail has been sent, I just checked the smtp server and works inmediatly, Is there any config or something to fix that behaviour?
openproject version:
OpenProject 7.4.7 (PostgreSQL)
Kind regards
Replies (4)
Hi Cayetano,
the email updates for work package creation and updates are aggregated and send every 5 minutes by default.
Otherwise you would receive a lot of email notifications whenever a single work package attribute is changed.
You can however change the delay in the admin settings or change it so that it is sent out immediately. This is possible in “Administration” > “System settings”, in the “Display” tab:

Hello Robin,
I understand that if I set it to '0', would that mean a notification will be sent right away.
I checked, this is how it works, great, but I just want to be sure. :)
Hello Piotr,
Exactly. If you set the value to "0", emails will be sent immediately. There will be no aggregation of changes.
This is the right choice if you want to be notified instantly about changes but please note that you may have more emails than previously. So it may be worth considering setting the value back to e.g. "1" to not receive too many emails.
Robin, great, thank you!
I know the bad side, but prefer to keep it 0.