Added by David Lee over 8 years ago
Hi Everyone,
How do I enable “Cross Site Scripting” in Open Office?
We are wanting to use AngularJS to call the API’s but are getting the “No Access-Control-Allow-Origin in header found” error.
Will appreciate your help.
Replies (3)
Hi David,
just to be sure, this forum is not about Open Office but rather about OpenProject. Are you sure you are targeting the intended software?
If you are targeting an OpenProject installation, please let me know your setup (self hosted vs. SaaS, where is your AngularJS running, do they share the same domain, …)
I fear that currently the domain has to be shared between the AngularJS application and the OpenProject application as there is currently no way to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in OpenProject. But that is not to say that there never will be. If you are interested in such a functionality, please open up a feature request.
I try to call the open Project API to get the data for tabular report but got No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. error so can you let know i i can resolve this issue
Facing same issue. Any Solution ?