Added by Adam C almost 7 years ago
I’m having problems with adding an integer field to allow me to reorder tasks. The field is there in the work-packages list view, but not in the view for each task (I only see the Position field). What might I be missing?
Replies (11)
Hey Adam,
after creating the custom field “Order ID” you need to add it to the work package types which should be using the attribute (e.g. tasks).
To do this, go to “Administration” > “Work package types” and click on the type for which the attribute should be shown (i.e. “Task”).
Click on the tab “Form configuration” and move the custom field “Order ID” from the “Inactive” container on the right to one of the attribute groups on the left. Then click on “Save”.
Now you can go back to the project and you should be able to set the value of the custom field for the types to which it has been assigned (i.e. type “Task”). You can of course repeat these steps for other types as well.
Hi Robin,
I found the fix. I needed to add the the form before I could edit it.
I am trying the same thing, but can’t make it work. I added a custom integer Field ‘Sort#’ and it is shown properly.
However, after I add numbers for all work packages, I still can’t sort by the field. The option ‘sort ascending’ or ‘sort decending’ is simply not there for this column!
Also, I can show a column ‘Position’ which comes with OpenProject but can’t populate it. Is that just an artefact from previous versions or can it be used for my purpose?
I have the same probleme and would be interested in a solution.
Is there any news?
I just tried to follow the advice above but the "Inactive" pane is empty - the “Order ID” field doesn't exist, and I can't see how to create a new field. As it stands, my Gantt chart is unreadable because the sequence is not correct and there doesn't seem to be a way to re-order it.
Ironically, the drag and drop panels on the left there are exactly what I'd love to see the "Work packages" view use so we can rearrange the items there.
thanks, Danny
EDIT: I just found this epic for V9:
I've posted a similar question a while ago but no answer, guess we have to wait for the development team to do something about it. Reordering seems not to work properly, especially when using hierarchical view. I would like to produce nice looking work package reports and this seems impossible as the order of where later inserted work packages are shown seems at random.
There has been some movement on this epic, but unfortunately that movement is that it's gone back to V10!
The gantt isn't useable for us until this is working - I'll try the ordering column again to see if we can live with that for now.
Hello Danny, hello Felix,
we just released [OpenProject 8.3](released OpenProject 8.3). This version contains the option to sort by attributes (e.g. start date) while the hierarchy mode is activated. This should resolve the issue for now.
Regarding the "Inactive" pane being empty: You first need to create a custom field (e.g. called "Order ID") of type "Float". See the user guide for details on how to do this. You can then select a work package type in the administration and select "Form configuration". You are then going to see the created custom field in the "Inactive" column and can assign it.
Thanks Robin, that's really useful! We've upgraded and it looks great. I've just set it to sort by "Project" and then "Start Date" and the Gantt looks great now.
Hopefully this means we can start using OpenProject as our project management platform. It's looking great so far.
Hello Robin,
this is indeed great news and helps to make a great product better! Thank you very much for that!
This could serve as a workaround until you guys get to the drag&drop reordering which is of course still much preferable and people are used to that e.g. from good old Microsoft Project.
Best regards
Hello Danny, hello Felix,
thanks for the feedback.
@Felix: The drag & drop option to reorder work packages is on our roadmap: .