Added by Ole Trenner almost 11 years ago
So far I’ve created a custom theme using the openproject-plugin plugin ans successfully deployed and enabled it on our installation.
Now I would like to *replace the default theme favicon*/shortcut icon with a custom version from my custom theme.
Is that possible? If yes, how could I approach this?
Thanks a lot!
Replies (6)
Hi Ole,
I don’t know the structure of your theme so it is hard to say. I added a theme skeleton in this thread
In a Theme like this you can just add your new favicon.icon to the following folder:
Hi Ratzi,
my theme is structured paractically identical, but not quite :) I’ll take a look and see if I can figure out why this works for you and not for me :)
Just to elaborate: I can add assets to my theme and can access them, but existing assets like favicon.ico are not being overridden/replaced.
Hi again,
you have to set the theme ‘assets_path’. See lib/open_project/themes/shiny/all.rb:9 and lib/open_project/themes/shiny.rb:6
Wow, thank you, that actually did the trick!
Thanks again,
You’re welcome.
If you have a look in ‘app/assets/stylesheets/shiny/_variables.css.sass’ you can may be improve your theme by just overriding the OpenProject core SASS variables so you don’t have to override the css Rules by hand.
Thanks for the advice! I suppose this way it should be possible to adjust global values (like the highlight color) much quicker than by adjusting every single rule by hand. I’ll definitely give it a try! I’ve found a seemingly comprehensive list of variables in
Thanks a lot for your support!
Best, Ole.