Analyzing data of work package evolvement
Added by Andreas Kronwald over 7 years ago
currently I am trying to measure our team performance and was hoping that OpenProject gives me this possibility.
Unfortunately TaskConnector doesn’t seem to work properly and OpenProject itself also seems to lack to output me the needed information.
Here is what I am trying to do:
1. acumulated graph of the status of tasks (user stories, etc.) in a selected period of time. (see att. from the Task Connector Guide)
Therefore I would need to know the status of work packages in the past. Unfortunately there is no filter function in OpenProject for that and TaskConnector outputs error messages when I try to do that.
I know there is the burndown chart in the backlogs and this is very close to what I would like to have. But I want to be able to see this not related to user stories and their connected tasks. I also want to be able to do this for a project and all its subproject. And I want to be able to do this without the need to use versions.
Of course it would be ideal to have something that would give me a graphical output like TaskConnector does, but I could also live with a tool that exports excel files (from the past).
The only other option I see right now would be to manually export all work packages every day (or another frequency) to excel and do all the calculation and reports manually.
Is there a better way? There has to be a better way…!
Thank you for your help