Problem sending mails from the Meeting module
Added by Valeria Blanco almost 7 years ago
We have recently installed Openproject 7.3.0
We have problem with sending mails from the meeting module.
When I create a meeting with several invitees and after having saved the agenda, I click on the button “Send for review”.
If the Openproject default user is inside the Invitees list, this user receives the mail, but the rest of the Invitees do not receive it.
If the Openproject default user is not inside the Invitees list, no invitee receives the mail.
The Openproject default user is the one specified in “System Settings / Email notification - Emission email address and Configure your email provider” section.
Users have set their email notification settings to receive emails.
I do not know if it will have to do with any particular settings.
Replies (2)
Hi Valeria,
can you tell me which installation type you used?
Did you install OpenProject using Packager, Docker or the manual installation? Which Linux distribution do you use?
Do you receive all other email updates (e.g. when creating & updating work packages)?
Hi Robin! Thanks for your answer! I was out of the office for several days.
We are using Ubuntu 16.04.3
We did the installation with Packager.
I have been doing tests changing the mail delivery settings of a specific user, who is invited to a meeting.
For all types of notifications, I combined them with the checkbox “I want to be notified of changes that I make myself”. As a result, I noticed that the users invited to a meeting only received the emails when the checkbox “I want to be notified of changes that I made myself” was checked in, even when the option for the dropdown “Send email notifications” was “No events”.
With these settings, other mails are sent.