Added by R. Moeller about 9 years ago
Hello to all,
while testing our first install, the following question came up:
I wonder if it is possible to copy a whole workpackage hierarchy ?
I have seen, it is possible to copy whole projects an choose which subordinated shall be included to this copy
It is also possible to copy a single workpackage.
The intent is, to create a template hierarchy for recurring task sequences and copy this whenever needed as this could save a lot of work.
Replies (8)
Hi RM,
sorry for the late response.
You can copy multiple work packages by selecting them in the work package list (marking the check boxes), right clicking and selecting “Copy” from the dropdown menu:
Hi Robin,
thank you for the reply.
I gave it a try and immediately ran into two issues:
- tried to copy a workpagage tree consisting of five packages and only the first superordinated got copied
the resulting error message did just say the subordinated following ones weren’t copied but did not give any details about the issue
- tried to copy a workpagage tree consisting of two packages
this worked but did not preserve their hierarchy; superordinated and subordinated package are now set to the same level
Assuming my first error is not reproduceable and e.g. 20 workpackage templates can be copied in one turn,
this still will not fulfill the task of copying nested workpackage structures.
It remains the tedious task, to set the copied packages back to their original dependencies.
Do you agree, preserving the nesting while copying would be a useful thing ?
In this case should I file a feature request or will you put this to your team’s list of features to implement ?
Just to draw a picture of the idea behind this:
I have several projects.
Inside this projects I often have similar workpackage structures.
To ease the work of creating this recurring workpackages my idea is to create a template project.
Inside this template templates of often needed workpackage trees are stored.
I mark a whole tree structure and copy this over to another project wherever I need it.
I have the same problem.
When several work packages are in a subordination relationship, only the top ones are being copied even when all of them were marked.
A possible alternative would be to elevate the top WP to a small project, but this has other disadvantages (project names are global, and different projects have different wikis, forums etc.).
I think the best solution would be to add a menu entry “deep copy” to the context menu of a WP, which then would create a copy with all internal relationships among the WPs (i.e. subordination, precedes etc.) reproduced.
I am also having the same problem.
I need to generate a collection of tasks each time certain action/“user story”* is carried out. Since there’s probably no prospect of defining a template “user story” that has a preset set of subtasks, copying an existing set is the easiest way to do it.
However, since the hierarchy isn’t copied by a bulk copy, the newly copied subtasks all appear under the original “user story”.
We have the same problem and are looking for a quick solution to copy a bulk of tasks and their dependencies.
My first try was to look for a “copy subtasks” field within the copy menu.
Then you could just select the top task and everything below would be copied just the same.
It also would be good, if the tasks would be renamed slighty. (–2, or -copy, or something)
Hi Guys,
I have same problem, this issue have no progress from 3 years ago or i miss something at looking for ?
Hi Guys, I had a similar problem with recurring equivalent project phases in a rollout project and wrote a python tool that uses the API to deep copy a workpackage with its childs and relations. Still work in progress but maybe it's helpful.
Any movement on this? Its preventing my team from moving forward with OpenProject.