Added by David Rouquet over 7 years ago
I have a self hosted 7.3 install via the official Docker image.
Non-admin users cannot create projects (no + button, just the access to existing projects).
I found some related stuff in the admin panel like the default role to apply when non-admin users create a project but still… they just can’t create projects !
Am I missing something ?
Thanks for any help.
Best regards and thanks for this very nice piece of software !
Replies (1)
Hi David,
in order to allow non-admin users to create projects you need to create a “Global Role” and give it the “Create project” role.
You can create a global role by going to “Administration” > “Roles and permissions”, clicking the “+ Role” button and checking the “Global role” checkbox (and then checking the “Create project” permission before clicking the “Create” button).
See also the user guide .
Once created, you can assign the role to a user by going to “Administration” > “Users”, clicking on the user login and assigning the global role in the “Global roles” tab.
Users can then see the “+ Project” entry in the project dropdown entry - without having to be admins.
Best regards,