My timeline view looks incorrect
Added by Nima Kamkar almost 11 years ago
I have created a very simple set of tasks as part of a presentation on Project Management I am giving to some colleagues next week on the 20th and would like to demo OP3 to them. I I have created a phase called “Prepapre Powepoint presentation” and a milestone called “Finish powerpoint presentation”. These are the tasks:
- Plan presenatation material (3 hrs) - precedes all tasks
- Write general section (3 hrs)
- Write waterfall model (10 hours)
- Write scrum section (12 hours) - can start only after General section is finished
I have entered the exact same info in OP3 and MS Project and have attached screenshot of each and they look very different
- I cannot get the OP timeline to appear in the correct order
- Look at MS-Project.
> # The phase appears as first and milestone as last
> # the SCRUM task is clearly shown to be dependent on me finishing the “general section” task as I wanted- Now look at OP3
> # I cannot get it to show in the correct order. The diagram, as is, is very confusing
> # I cannot get the lines to be at the correct length. e.g. the task “plan presentation material” is only 3 hours, not 3 days. Similarly my “SCRUM” task is not shown as dependant on me finishing “write general section” even though I have set it up to follow it with 0 day delay
I am confused. I don’t know whether I have done something wrong or there are bugs here. If it helps and you can be so kind, you can login to my test site with default admin username and password. This is just for testing, so security is not an issue.
I am trying to convert people from using Excel and Word to a proper system. We (the techies) use Jira extensively, but I would like us all to move to OP3.0 and I think I may not be ready for the demo on Thursday, so I would appreciate any help I an get.
Best wishes
Replies (6)
Hello everyone
Has anyone been able to look at this issue and give me any advice or suggesstions?
Best wishes
Hello Nima,
please correct me: Do you expect Demo 1 to span the sub-elements?
Kind regards,
Hi Hagen
Thank you for your reply. That would be nice, but it is not the main issue. If you look at the two screenshots I have attached to the original thread (MS-Project & OP3), almost everything is wrong:
Any ideas?
Best wishes
Hello Nima,
sorry for not reading your message but going directly to the screenshots.
This is actually a limitation of timelines: It sorts work packages by start/end date placing the work packages without a date first.
Kind regards,
Thanks Hagen
Right now, as it stands, the timeline is just not showing anything useful at all.
Best wishes
Hello Nima,
(1) at the moment timelines only supports a per day work package date resolution.
(2) is on our roadmap but, as you recognized, not implemented yet.
(3) you can edit a work package in timelines by clicking on its title.
Kind regards,