Added by Morné Parsons over 7 years ago
I have configured incoming emails to create work packages, but it only works for registered users.
I have gone through this link as well RedmineIncomingMails
i have tried the following:
sudo openproject run bundle exec rake redmine:email:receive_imap host='XXX' username='XXX' password='XXX' port=993 ssl=true allow_override=type,project=XXX,no_permission_check=1
and the following
sudo openproject run bundle exec rake redmine:email:receive_imap host='XXX' username='XXX' password='XXX' port=993 ssl=true allow_override=type,project=XXX,no_permission_check=1,unknown_user=accept
But still only process emails from existing users.
Please advise.
Replies (4)
Sorry I misread your post, you already saw the redmine guide ;-)
Your error is: you put the unknown_user and no_permission_check into the comma separated list of allow_overrides, where they should be standalone parameters like this:
sudo openproject run bundle exec rake redmine:email:receive_imap host='XXX' username='XXX' password='XXX' port=993 ssl=true no_permission_check=1 unknown_user=accept allow_override=type,project=XXX
There are some other options available for the rake task, which are not (yet) mentioned in the openproject guide:
I found, respectivly conducted them from the Redmine Guide
This Guide has even more options, that I would like to use and tried out, but didn’t work in openproject (such as default_group= and no_account_notice=1)
Hi Sascha,
thanks for mentioning these additional features. The incoming mail feature has diverged since the redmine fork in 2011, so its conceivable some parameters were added in Redmine in the meantime.
If you can, we would very much appreciate a pull request with changes to the incoming emails documentation to include your options (possibly with your use case as a description?)
(which ends up on the website here:
Hi Oliver, as you suggest I just commited a change of the docu on github.. but have one typo in it (missing a | ) and couldn’t find out how to edit my commit after it. Maybe you can correct it accordingly :-)
Many thanks again Sascha, the corrected guide is now in dev.