Added by Karol Skolar about 11 years ago
Dear OPF team,
is it possible to show SubSubproject workpackage in Timeline of the parent Project?
I already configured reporting relationship in Status reporting, but I still able to show workpackages only from SubProjects, not from SubSub projects.
How can I figure out this?
Replies (12)
Karol Skolar wrote:
Hi Karol,
can you please further detail this question?
Dear Niels,
I have created 3 projects.
1. Alfa
2. Beta - as subproject of Alfa
3. Gama - as Subproject of Beta
I have created work package in Gama with Start/Due date and configured Status reporting to Project Beta and Alfa from Gama.
I would like to see this work package in timeline of Alfa, because Alfa is for me Parent project.
Is this possible?
Thanks for answer.
+1 This, it would be a very handy feature that I would like to see.
The goal would be to see all related projects on one timeline report.
It would also be useful to see ALL projects as a summary on one timeline report. We could use this for planning our development across multiple projects.
For what it’s worth. I achieved what I believe that you are looking for by adding status reportings from the SubSub Projects to the top-level parent project. Now I can run a timeline on my top level and see tasks for every Sub / SubSub / SubSubSub Project.
Hi all,
Matt give you the right answer. Currently you need to create a reporting relation.
In one of the next releases we will change the behavior so we do not need the reportling relations anymore. It is then all achieved through project filters.
Kind regards
Hi all,
This would be great.
But I still wonder how you make your display following the hierarchy of your project structure.
For the time being, the only way I have found is to prefix the name of project.
Would you have a better option ?
Kind regards
What release is this feature scheduled for?
Niels Lindenthal wrote:
Hi Ming,
it is not scheduled yet. This change won’t make it into 4.1. So it will rater be 4.2 or 5.0
I think a “master” timeline is a killer feature.
Is there an official way to push this up in priority?
Niels Lindenthal wrote:
The great thing about OpenProt is that it is open source. So start coding and send us a pull request… :-)
Rene PERRAUX wrote:
I agree with Rene, the suggestion by Matt still does not allow the timeline to display the projects and subprojects hierarchy. In the meantime, Is there any other option to show hierarchy in the timeline, while we wait for the new release?
Thank you,
Hey guys!
Is this possible now?