Added by Thomas Roder over 7 years ago
I need to edit the wiki via a script. I figure that directly editing the mysql entry is the best way since the API doesn’t support editing the wiki (yet) and cURL requires javascript. Thinks like PhantomJS are incredibly dirty imo.
I managed to log into the database sucessfully:
In /etc/openproject/installer.dat
i found the username and password for the database
In /etc/openproject/conf.d/database
i found the the localhost IP
=> mysql -u $USERNAME -h $IP -p
, then enter password
I even found data that looks relevant, for example the table of projects and the data contained in the wiki:
SELECT * FROM openproject.projects;
SELECT * FROM openproject.wiki_contents;project_associations
My problem is that I can’t see which wiki entry is connected to which project! Where can I get this information?
Thank you!
My configuration: OpenProject 7.0.2, Ubuntu 16:04, standard mysql installation (via openproject configure