Added by Stan Cruise almost 8 years ago
I have this working fine. No issues, the forum helped me get it going re needing a primer file in the repo. It’s the same issue for git in general.
Can anyone give me pointers as to what I can accomplish with this OP repo?
I could have a GitLab session open in a second browser tab and achieve as much or more. Nothing negative here but just functionality-wise.
Now if one could link a file in the OpenProject repo into a work package for example, that would be useful. Or even to be able to directly copy a file from the repo to a work package.
It appears to use the OP repo other than just listing the files, one must download a file to a local dir, then go the a work package, and pull the file into the work package.
Unless I am missing something.
Or, this is just the start of future added functionality.
Replies (2)
Is the answer I am looking for:
openproject-git_hosting? openproject-revisions_git?
Sounds like another great project to jump into … :)
Hi Stan,
OpenProject Revisions/Git Plugin ( helps you manage your Git repositories through Gitolite. You have SSH and HTTP access to clone the repositories among many other features. The functionality you want, linking files in a Work package, is not available.
Have a look at the readme file to find out what you can achieve with the plugin.