Added by Adrien BALTARDIVE about 8 years ago
Hi everyone,
This is my first post on your forum.
I have been testing OpenProject API v3. I can create a new workpackage, all good.
However, I wish to create a new project using API, I can’t see it in the documentation so far.
Is it possible? If not, an alternative would be to use command line via ssh ?
Replies (8)
Hi Adrien,
it is not yet possible to create projects through the API.
You should easily be able to create one through the commandline, though. Use the following command as a starter point (packaged installation)
openproject run bundle exec rails runner “Project.create(identifier: ‘my-new-myproject’, name: ‘My new project’);”
Thanks Oliver, I’ll try that.
There is also a feature request for this in the wish list:
if any progress was made regarding the creation of project through api ? or is there any other way to “trigger” project creation except by web browser ?
Is it also possible to assign a user to a project via command line?
I found out, it's working with:
Hi Everyone,
I would really appreciate, if you could also let me know whether I can generate api access token for users except by web browser? Is there any way to do that via api call or bash script? Basically I would like to create an user by api call using admin user and then generate the access token for newly created user.
Using this does creates a project with limited modules. Is there a way to add modules via API?
Im sorry for the question, im new to OPenProject APIs.
Oliver Günther wrote: