Added by Johan Eijssink about 8 years ago
Hi there,
(excuse for poor English)
We organise and manage events.
Is it posible to add tasks in a project xxx days before the (end) date of the project?
When the event is on a certain date, we need to add tasks xx days before the event date.
All tasks have their own number of days before event date.
Event date is on march 18th.
Design needs to be ready 10 weeks before event
Distribution of print: 8 weeks before event
Last promo: 2 weeks before event
We have a lot of tasks and a lot of events (75 a year)
So we need to copy the events because the weeks before an event are standard.
In Gantt sheet i know it is possible, however in this programm I can’t find it.
Kind regards,
Replies (1)
Johan Eijssink wrote:
Have you tried a subproject?