Added by Ulrike Engel about 8 years ago
Hi all,
I´m currently trying to setup a Wiki page with advanced formatting using Textile.
Some of the things I´m trying to do (kind of everything related to color) is not working when using the syntax as decribed in the Textile Manuals (e.g.
- simply highlighting text in a different color
- change the background color of the headline row in a table
- change the the background color of one specific cell in a table.
Does anyone has a hint for me?
I´m new to Textile, maybe I´m doing something wrong… I´m following the description on the Textile manual, though.
Many thanks and Best Regards,
Uli Engel
Replies (1)
See this thread:
Wiki textism
Which, at time of writing, needs a fix in one line of OP’s code; the one responsible for RedCloth module itself.