Added by Sebastian Boms over 8 years ago
I’m wondering if there is any possibility to highlight the main projects via color for better overview?
We do have a lot of projects and it’s being quite difficult to differentiate between the main projects and the sub projects.
Thank you in advance!
gibt es eine Möglichkeit, die Hauptprojekte farblich zu markieren?
Wir haben ziemlich viele Projekte am laufen und es ist schwierig, zwischen Haupt- und Unterprojekten zu unterscheiden.
Vielen Dank!
Replies (2)
Hi Sebastian,
it is currently not possible to change the color of the projects shown in the project selection.
Sub projects are generally indented and have two arrows in front of them to make clear they are not main projects.
If you need an additional way to emphasize certain projects, you could write those project names in all caps (by adjusting the project name in the project settings).
Hello Robin,
to write them in all caps isn’t a good looking choice in my opinion, so I will leave it as it is. It would be great if there is a new option to highlight the main projects in a future version.
Thank you very much for your tips.