Added by mark scarantino over 11 years ago
we have been running thru the setup and issue tracking for several week now and find no noticeable defects.
Great Job all!
( we are actually going to start using it in a “Beta” mode for our production process - to validate our internal processes.)
I see from the Road map and Timeline there are some enhancements still going on relating to Issues/Work Packages/Planning events.
These are scheduled to be completed relatively soon.
Is there any “official” time frame when a “production ready” release will be made?
Is there a plan to release the “Stable” base, while still working on additional plugins?
we can not be the only ones anxiously awaiting a “stable” release.
Replies (1)
Hi Mark,
I can not endorse using the beta branch in production. We are still
going trough destructive migrations that will leave your data in an
inconsistent state or that will create the necessity to manually update
your database when you continue to use the 3.0.0.*. While a final
migration that moves pre 3.0.0.-versions to 3.0.0. will be written,
that one will not migrate through all the 3.0.0.pre* versions. Proceed
with caution. This instance itself, at the time of writing, is a rails2
No. The release of plugins can be seen in this timeline though:
We have recently released the meetings plugin
(, which works with
3.0.0.pre10. We will work to keep the released plugins stable to work
with the most recent core, and to keep the plugins stable to work with
each other. However that “stable” refers to the code working from
scratch, not necessarily from the point where you already had data in
your system.