Create work package with custom fields through API
Added by Blaise D over 8 years ago
I am attempting to create work packages programmatically via the OpenProject API for a project with contains multiple custom fields. Unfortunately, I am running into a validation error with my work package payload. Following from the API documentation, I have posted to the ‘/work_packages/form’ endpoint to retrieve default values for all properties. After filling in my values, I still receive a validation error for a blank subject, even though it is filled out in my payload.
Here is my post using Python’s requests library:
response = 'http://my_domain/api/v3/projects/11/work_packages/form', auth=('apikey', API_KEY), data=payload )
Where an example payload would be the following:
{ "_links": { "assignee": { "href": "/api/v3/users/12", "id": 12, "name": "John Smith", "title": "John Smith" }, "category": { "href": null }, "customField3": { "href": "/api/v3/string_objects?value=cf3_val", "title": "cf3_val" }, "customField4": { "href": "/api/v3/string_objects?value=cf4_val", "title": "cf4_val" }, "parent": { "href": null }, "priority": { "href": "/api/v3/priorities/8" }, "responsible": { "href": "/api/v3/users/12", "id": 12, "name": "John Smith", "title": "John Smith" }, "status": { "href": "/api/v3/statuses/1" }, "type": { "href": "/api/v3/types/1" }, "version": { "href": null } }, "customField5": "123123", "description": { "format": "textile", "html": "", "raw": "Created from batch script" }, "dueDate": "2016-11-10", "estimatedTime": null, "lockVersion": 0, "parentId": null, "percentageDone": 0, "remainingTime": null, "startDate": "2016-11-10", "subject": "123123" }
Here is the relevant schema information:
"schema": { "_links": {}, "_type": "Schema", <snip> "subject": { "maxLength": 255, "minLength": 1, "name": "Subject", "required": true, "type": "String", "writable": true },
And the validation errors returned:
"validationErrors": { "subject": { "_embedded": { "details": { "attribute": "subject" } }, "_type": "Error", "errorIdentifier": "urn:openproject-org:api:v3:errors:PropertyConstraintViolation", "message": "Subject can't be blank." } } },
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! I am at a loss as to what could be the problem, as the subject is included here in the same way that it is when creating a work package from the web interface.
Replies (4)
Hi Blaise,
this message is typically returned when no payload has been transmitted with the POST request. I am aware that you seem to have sent a body with the request but OpenProject does not seem to think so.
When using your payload and posting it via e.g. Postman (after having adapted the links) I get an OK result.
Therefore I would look into the python code. I skimmed through the Request documentation and stumbled over this here:
where it notes:
As OpenProject expects a json encoded body, your code should pass a string and thus you should adapt your python code to the following:
Hope that helps.
That did it!
I made the following changes to my Python script:
and I now receive the 201 response and WorkPackage creation information confirming the package creation.
Thank you so much for your assistance, Jens! This was a subtle issue with my usage of the requests API that I was unable to recognize.
Great, enjoy.
I tried to create with this code a work packages:
var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
var data = ‘{subject subject“,”description“: {”format“: ”textile“, ”raw“: ”My raw
formatted description. Bye guys!“}, ”_links“: {”type“: {”href“:”/api/v3/types/1“, ”title“: ”Task“}, ”status“:{”href“:”/api/v3/statuses/1“}, ”priority“:{”href“:”/api/v3/priorities/8“, ”title“: ”normal“}, ”assignee“: {”href“: ”/api/v3/users/1"}}}}’;‘GET’, ‘mydomain/openproject/api/v3/projects/dsds/work_packages/’);
xhr2.setRequestHeader(‘API_KEY’, ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’);
xhr2.setRequestHeader(‘Content-type’, ‘application/json’);
xhr2.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr2.readyState 4 && xhr2.status 200) {
console.log(xhr2.readyState + “-” + xhr2.status);
Still i only get readyState == 4 and status = 0 in the console. the user admin is existing.
Do you know what the problem is? can someone help me?
Thank you for your help!
Best regards