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grouping leads to error "Unable to retrieve query from URL"
Added by Bernd Petraus over 8 years ago
Hi there,
for some time past we often reveice an error “Unable to retrieve query from URL” when grouping a workpackage list.
What I found out until now is, that it seems to depend on the selected columns. At least I was able to group when deactivating some coloumns.
- Which columns are affected varies from project and grouping criterion.
- It seems not to depend on the quantity of columns
Does anybody have made similar experiences. I would like to specify the bug before creating a task.
Best Regards
Replies (1)
I have the same message with grouping (preconfigured filter) coming from chili, other filters created with OP work fine. I am using OP 6.0.4. Then the OP keeps busy forever, it recovers using back from the navigator. Therefore I cannot destroyed these “old” filters.