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Setting default columns for Work Packages
Added by Yadin Flammer about 8 years ago
When you go in to Work Packages you can click the last button and click Columns to choose what columns you want to view. Great.
Now I go to another screen and come back, and my column choices are gone and I’m back to default view. Bad.
There is a Save button. Great.
I save, but it saves a new view you have to pick each time and there seems to be no option for “Save as Default”. Bad.
How do you change the default columns for the Work Packages for a given Project?
Replies (10)
I also would like to save the selected columns for work packages.
Is there a way to configure columns as default and save it?
You can set the default in admin settings (Administration > Work Packages;
You can select which columns should be shown by default across all projects but you cannot define their order.
it would be a really great to have the feature to define the order of the columns.
Is this something for the WishList?
Yes, could we add this to the Community edition or provide instructions where to modify the code in order to make the change locally if desired?
I added it tow thw wishlist #29078
I added it tow the wishlist #29078
I added it tow the wishlist #29078
The latest openproject still does not save the column arrangement. Is there a work around to save the Work package table configuration?
Catherine G wrote:
Hi Roberto, apart from the possibility to configure the default columns in the administration and the possibility to save work package views as user there's also the feature request #31423 which should cover this.
Kind regards
I had the same issue, I just found a workaround. The columns order of the default WP list is stored in the database, in the settings table, the parameter name is work_package_list_default_columns, but it's not safe to change it manually !
The best way is to do it using the browser, in the Administration section.
I found that the columns order is saved as columns appears in the WP setting form, so you have to change the order before saving the WP settings. To do it :
Every time you need to change the WP settings, you need to repeat this operation.
Hope this helps.